As the Director of Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC) [Center for Political and Constitutional Studies], I am delighted to present the new journal IgualdadES, which comes in to occupy a space for scientific reflexion about equality and non-discrimination, with particular reference to women’s equality.
The journal IgualdadES is launched as the materialization of a specific research area within Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales which aims at channeling the multidisciplinary research in the field of equality and, quite particularly, gender equality. This field has expanded exponentially in the last years with a large number of remarkable and rigorous contributions that show quite different insights and approaches wherefrom a solid dogmatics may be built, a dogmatics that will allow us to analyze topics which are at the very grounds of the building of a Rule of Law wherein freedom and equality between women and men will finally be real and effective. Gender equality has played a key role in some of the deepest transformations of democratic societies in the last years of the 20th century and in these first years of the 21st century. However, the undeniable achievements cannot conceal the fact that there is still a lot to attain before bringing about a society wherein gender equality will be a structural element of the judiciary, political and social system.
This new journal IgualdadES intends to be an effective instrument to channel the research and a rigorous debate on this extensive core subject, which affects all citizens. The longstanding and rewarding editorial experience gained by Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales will be made available so as to bring about this goal. The new journal IgualdadES adds up to the other seven journals regularly issued by CEPC and the other two in whose edition we collaborate, in addition to nine collections of monographs by which CEPC aims at comprising the wide working areas assigned by the Royal Decree 1269/1997, of 24 July, ruling the organization and functioning of Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.
Keeping pace with changes in information and communication technologies, CEPC has been implementing open access publications as a means to reach all those interested in its publishing production, everywhere in the world. In pursuing this aim, the journal IgualdadES will be published online, free and open access, to fulfill one of the objectives of CEPC, that is, putting into work its editorial outcomes for the benefit of the whole society. We owe special thanks to Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) [Spanish Official Bulletin], whose cooperation in the online edition of this journal will allow us for a high degree of effectiveness regarding the production and the national and international circulation of this journal.
Finally, I warmly thank the editor of the journal IgualdadES, Dr. Cristina Elías Méndez, the editorial secretary, Dr. Emilio Pajares Montolio and those who accepted to take part in the Editorial Board and in the Scientific Council with remarkable generosity; they will contribute their knowledge and expertise to this scientific project from their respective fields. I would like to extend my warm thanks to the staff of Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, whose professional skills and efforts make it possible, day by day, the realization of our editorial projects which have placed our publishing house among the best ones in the country.