Palabras clave
Bona vacantia
bienes patrimoniales
propiedad de inmuebles
legislación civil de las comunidades autónomas
desarrollo del derecho civil propio.
El objeto del presente estudio está constituido por la adecuación al reparto constitucional de competencias, en materia de legislación civil, de la regulación por el legislador gallego de la atribución de la titularidad dominical de bienes inmuebles vacantes a la CA de Galicia a la luz de la doctrina del TC en esta materia. En particular, se analiza el cambio radical en la doctrina del TC fruto de sus Sentencias 40 y 41 de 26 de abril de 2018, en relación con el contenido de sus pronunciamientos pretéritos (Sentencias 58/1982 y 204/2004). A tenor del nuevo criterio del TC, de conformidad con el cual la regulación de la atribución de la propiedad de los «bona vacantia» es una materia que forma parte de la legislación civil, se sostiene que el legislador gallego, en virtud de las previsiones de los arts. 149.1.8ª de la CE y del 27.4 del EAG, tiene competencia legislativa para dictar una norma que, en todo caso, ha de tener rango de ley formal, de atribución de la propiedad privada de bienes inmuebles, situados en su territorio, en situación de vacancia. En particular, se argumenta la adecuación al reparto constitucional de competencias en materia de conservación, modificación y desarrollo del derecho civil propio de Galicia de aquellas normas reguladoras, con rango de ley, de la atribución de bienes en situación de vacancia. Esta competencia resulta de la vinculación, conforme con la doctrina del TC, de la institución cuya regulación pretende el legislador gallego a la sucesión intestada a favor de la CA contenida en la LDCG, existiendo la conexión suficiente entre esta norma y la que, ex novo, pretende incorporarse al derecho civil propio de Galicia.
Bona vacantia; economic goods and assets; immovable goods ownership; Autonomous Communities legislation; Regional private law development.
The aim of these paper is to examine whether the Galician legislation on the ownership of vacant houses and land is pursuant to the Constitution in the light of the Constitutional Court doctrine on this matter. Particularly, the radical change in this Court’s doctrine that took place by virtue of its decisions 40 and 41 of 26 April 2018, that modified it’s previous vision on this question (sentences
58/1982 and 204/2004). According to the new criterion, legislation on the ownership of the «bona vacantia» must be considered civil legislation. Therefore, the Galician legislature is competent to legislate on the matter as provided in the arts. 149.1.8 of the Spanish Constitution, as long as it is regulated in a formal statute of the Galician parliament, and it refers to vacant houses and land located in Galician territory. Specifically, the paper arguments in favour of this new doctrine, which is considered compliant with the constitutional distribution of competences on the matter defined as «preservation, modification and legal development of Galician civil law». This argument is in accordance with the general Constitutional Court doctrine on this issue, insofar legislating on vacant immovables is sufficiently connected with the rule of succession that makes the Galician government the heir, in the absence of testament and relatives, of any assets left by Galician people.
58/1982 and 204/2004). According to the new criterion, legislation on the ownership of the «bona vacantia» must be considered civil legislation. Therefore, the Galician legislature is competent to legislate on the matter as provided in the arts. 149.1.8 of the Spanish Constitution, as long as it is regulated in a formal statute of the Galician parliament, and it refers to vacant houses and land located in Galician territory. Specifically, the paper arguments in favour of this new doctrine, which is considered compliant with the constitutional distribution of competences on the matter defined as «preservation, modification and legal development of Galician civil law». This argument is in accordance with the general Constitutional Court doctrine on this issue, insofar legislating on vacant immovables is sufficiently connected with the rule of succession that makes the Galician government the heir, in the absence of testament and relatives, of any assets left by Galician people.