Palabras clave
ayudas de Estado
competencia desleal
empresas públicas
libre competencia.
La actividad pública empresarial está sometida a límites. En esencia, debe desarrollarse sin ayudas públicas ni otros privilegios. Los medios que normalmente se reconocen a los competidores para reaccionar frente a las transgresiones de tales límites son difíciles e insuficientes. Ante ello, se argumenta aquí la posibilidad de ejercer contra ellas las acciones civiles por competencia desleal. En especial, se sostiene la aplicabilidad del art. 15 de la Ley de Competencia Desleal.
State aids; Unfair competition; Public undertakings; Free competition.
Provision of goods and services by public bodies in the market is subject to several limits. In essence, these activities must be carried out without public aids or without any other kind of privileges. However, remedies granted to private competitors against the infringement of those limits are usually inappropriate or insufficient. To address this situation, this work stands for the possibility of bringing an action before the Civil Law courts against those infringements on the grounds of unfair competition. More specifically, this work stands for the applicability of article 15 of the Law on Unfair Competition to these situations.