Palabras clave
integración europea
Tratado Constitucional
Tratado de Lisboa.
Desde hace cincuenta años un número creciente de Estados europeos viene tratando, se dice, de hacer Europa, incluso de hacer más Europa sin que esté nada claro el objetivo último de este proceso. En los años fundacionales de las Comunidades Europeas los federalistas estaban ansiosos por plasmar los Estados Unidos de Europa, pero de acuerdo con un cálculo realista aceptaron el enfoque de los funcionalistas, que proponían una aproximación gradual a dicho objetivo, partiendo de una integración progresiva de sectores económicos, para saltar de ahí a la integración de otros sectores y acabar en la unificación política. Cabe preguntarse, sin embargo, si el paso del tiempo no sólo ha roto la alianza entre el objetivo perseguido y el método para lograrlo, sino que ha desdibujado el objetivo mismo, golpeado por añadidura por las ampliaciones sucesivas de las Comunidades, de la Unión.
European Integration; Federalism; Functionalism; Enlargement; Constitutional Treaty; Lisbon Treaty.
For fifty years a number of European States has been treating to make Europe, to make even more Europe without a clear objective of this process. In the original
years of the European Communities the federalist were anxious to shape the United States of Europe; but in agreement with a realistic calculation they accepted the approach of the functionalists, that proposed a gradual approach to this objective, starting by a progressive integration of economic sectors, and finishing in the political unification. It is possible to wonder, nevertheless, if the pass of time not only has broken the alliance between the goal pursued and the method to obtain it, but blurred the same objective, struck in addition by the successive enlargements of the Communities and the European Union.
years of the European Communities the federalist were anxious to shape the United States of Europe; but in agreement with a realistic calculation they accepted the approach of the functionalists, that proposed a gradual approach to this objective, starting by a progressive integration of economic sectors, and finishing in the political unification. It is possible to wonder, nevertheless, if the pass of time not only has broken the alliance between the goal pursued and the method to obtain it, but blurred the same objective, struck in addition by the successive enlargements of the Communities and the European Union.