Las tradiciones religiosas del judaismo, cristianismo e islam están sufriendo hoy en día una transformación denominada genéricamente «fundamentalismo». Aunque este concepto no pueda concretarse, y aunque existan numerosas diferencias entre los movimientos incluidos en esta etiqueta, comparten algunos rasgos comunes como la idea de inerrancia de un texto sagrado. Estas consideraciones justifican una interpretación de las tranformaciones religiosas contemporáneas dentro de un marco de análisis, especialmente cuando se toma en cuenta su carácter global. Por eso, este texto pone el énfasis en dos aspectos del globalismo de los movimientos fundamenta-listas: su alcance transnacional y el papel que juega el globalismo en su imaginario a través del tiempo y el espacio.
Fundamentalisnn and Globalism. The religious traditions of Ju-daism, Christianity and Islam are all today undergoing known ge-nerically as «fundamentalist». Although this term is impossible any longer to define precisely, and although there are obvious diffe-rences between the movements to which the label is attached, nu-merous common features, including the original defining feature of fundamentalism —namely the idea of the inerrancy of a sacred text— remain. Together, these considerations justify an interpretaron of contemporary religious transformations in a common fra-mework of analysis, especially when account is taken of their global character. This paper develops such an interpretation by focusing on two aspects of the globalism of fundamentalist movements
—their transnational reach and the role played by globalism in their imaginary projections across time and space.
—their transnational reach and the role played by globalism in their imaginary projections across time and space.