Palabras clave
guerra civil
Segunda República
Antonio Machado
La evidente significación política de la obra de Antonio Machado no ha recibido una gran atención. Entre la numerosa bibliografía machadiana, las consideraciones de carácter político en absoluto son comparables a las de carácter estrictamente literario, filosófico o hasta religioso. Y esta observación es aplicable al tema del patriotismo y el nacionalismo. La notable influencia política que alcanzó Antonio Machado a lo largo de la II República y, especialmente, la Guerra Civil, y su significado como símbolo antifranquista a la lo largo de la dictadura, no oculta el dato de que su formación política y la consistencia de su consiguiente cosmovisión política no se caracterizan por su solidez.
Spanish Civil War; Second Spanish Republic; Francoism; Antonio Machado; nationalism.
The unquestionable political signification of Antonio Machado’s literary work has not been accompanied by parallel scholarly attention to this dimension of his writing. The copious bibliography on Machado has not abounded in reflections on the political aspects of his work comparable to considerations of its literary, philosophical or even religious features. This observation is also applicable to the topic of patriotism and nationalism. The remarkable political influence that Antonio Machado exerted during the period of the Second Republic and, especially, the Spanish Civil War, and his significance as an anti-Francoist symbol throughout the Dictatorship must not conceal the fact that Machado’s political preparation and the resultant consistency of his political worldview were not characterized by their soundness.