Palabras clave
el Estado como educador
el servicio público educativo
intervención administrativa
Educación para la Ciudadanía.
Las Administraciones Públicas han intervenido en la educación elemental desde el siglo XVIII. La educación siempre ha sido un instrumento en manos de los gobiernos de los Estados para transmitir su ideología. En España, la Ley del año 2006 establece la nueva asignatura de Educación para la Ciudadanía, que intenta enseñar valores morales a los alumnos. Esta cuestión excede a la simple transmisión de conocimientos técnicos, como venía haciéndose hasta ahora.
the Government’s States like educators; the educational public service; administrative interventation; Education for the Citizenship.
The Public Administrations has intervened in the elementary education since XVIII century.
The education always has been a State’s Government tool to transmit his ideology. In Spain,
the 2006 Law establishes the new subject of Education for the Citizenship that tries to teach
moral values to the pupils. This question exceeds the simple transmission of the technical
knowledge that was coming being done till now.
The education always has been a State’s Government tool to transmit his ideology. In Spain,
the 2006 Law establishes the new subject of Education for the Citizenship that tries to teach
moral values to the pupils. This question exceeds the simple transmission of the technical
knowledge that was coming being done till now.