Palabras clave
Regulación audiovisual
medios de comunicación
Mercado Único Digital
plataformas de compartición de vídeo (VSP)
Directiva 2018/1808.
En noviembre de 2018 se publicó la Directiva 2018/1808, que modifica sustancialmente el marco normativo aplicable al ámbito de la comunicación audiovisual en la UE. Dicha reforma, motivada por la convergencia mediática, se enmarca dentro de la Estrategia para el Mercado Único Digital, impulsada por la Comisión Juncker desde el año 2015. Las presentes páginas analizan cuáles son las principales novedades de esta reforma: nivelación de las exigencias legales para los servicios lineales y a la carta, inclusión de las plataformas de compartición de vídeo en el ámbito material de la directiva y flexibilización de las exigencias que se imponen a las comunicaciones comerciales. Además, se subrayan otras líneas maestras de la nueva directiva, como la apuesta decidida por la corregulación, el fortalecimiento del papel del Grupo de Entidades Reguladoras Europeas para los Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (ERGA), la preocupación por la independencia de las autoridades reguladoras nacionales y la profundización en las exigencias sobre accesibilidad. A lo largo del estudio se ofrecen pautas y valoraciones sobre cómo transponer al ordenamiento jurídico interno las nuevas exigencias incluidas en la directiva.
Audiovisual regulation; audiovisual media services; Digital Single Market; Video Sharing Platforms (VSP); Directive 2018/1808.
Published in November 2018, Directive 2018/1808 substantially modifies the regulatory framework applicable to the audiovisual media services in the EU. This reform,
motivated by media convergence, takes place in the broad context of the Digital Single Market Strategy, promoted by the Juncker Commission since 2015. This paper
analyzes the main novelties of this reform: leveling the playfield for linear and on-demand services; extending the scope of the Directive to Internet video sharing platforms; and a certain liberalization of the demands imposed on commercial communications. In addition, other master lines of the new Directive are underlined, such as the reinforcement of the commitment with forms of soft law; the strengthening of the role of the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA); the concern for the independence of national regulatory authorities; and the deepening in the demands on accessibility. Throughout the study, guidelines are offered on how to transpose the new requirements included in the Directive into the Spanish legal framework.
motivated by media convergence, takes place in the broad context of the Digital Single Market Strategy, promoted by the Juncker Commission since 2015. This paper
analyzes the main novelties of this reform: leveling the playfield for linear and on-demand services; extending the scope of the Directive to Internet video sharing platforms; and a certain liberalization of the demands imposed on commercial communications. In addition, other master lines of the new Directive are underlined, such as the reinforcement of the commitment with forms of soft law; the strengthening of the role of the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA); the concern for the independence of national regulatory authorities; and the deepening in the demands on accessibility. Throughout the study, guidelines are offered on how to transpose the new requirements included in the Directive into the Spanish legal framework.