Palabras clave
contratos públicos
contratos administrativos
Derecho comunitario
principios generales
contratos sujetos a regulación armonizada.
El trabajo lleva a cabo un estudio acerca de la nueva categoría creada por la Ley 30/2007, de Contratos del Sector Público: los denominados contratos sujetos a regulación armonizada. Se analiza el porqué de esta nueva figura, su significado, los supuestos excluidos y las normas aplicables a esta clase de contratos, reflexionándose sobre cómo afecta al completo régimen contractual público. Se critica y cuestiona en el texto la distinción en la LCSP entre contratos sujetos o no a regulación comunitaria desde la perspectiva del Derecho comunitario, para el cual los principios y las obligaciones aplicables a todos los contratos públicos
deben ser en esencia los mismos.
deben ser en esencia los mismos.
public procurement; administrative procurement; European Law; general principles; contracts subject to the harmonized regulation.
The work carried out a study on the new category created by Spanish Public Sector
Procurement Law (Act 30/2007): contracts subject to the so-called harmonized regulation. Analyzed why this new figure, its meaning, the alleged excluded and the rules applicable to such contracts, reflecting on how it affects the complete public procurement regime. It was criticized and questioned in the text, the LCSP distinction between the contracts subject or not to regulation from the perspective of Community Law, for which the principles and obligations that apply to all public procurement should be essentially the same.
Procurement Law (Act 30/2007): contracts subject to the so-called harmonized regulation. Analyzed why this new figure, its meaning, the alleged excluded and the rules applicable to such contracts, reflecting on how it affects the complete public procurement regime. It was criticized and questioned in the text, the LCSP distinction between the contracts subject or not to regulation from the perspective of Community Law, for which the principles and obligations that apply to all public procurement should be essentially the same.