Palabras clave
Mediterráneo, Edad Moderna, Esclavos, Piratería.
Durante la Edad Moderna, los ataques que libraron en el Mediterráneo y en el Atlántico africano los corsarios berberiscos contra las principales potencias europeas produjeron un importante tráfico de hombres y mercancías. Además, el comercio de esclavos que se produjo en estas aguas fruto de este conflicto generó una densa red de intermediarios de distintas procedencias geográficas y religiones que obtenían con todo este tráfico unos importantes beneficios económicos, capaces de compensar los enormes gastos realizados para desplazarse desde sus territorios europeos hasta el lejano e inexplorado continente africano.
The Mediterranean, the Modern Era, slaves, piracy.
During the Modern Age, the Berber corsairs attacks in the Mediterranean and the
African Atlantic against the main European powers led to a significant trafficking of
men and merchandise. Slave trading in these waters, the outcome of this conflict, generated a dense network of intermediaries from all kinds of places and of all religions, who extracted large profits from it. These could offset the enormous outlay they had to get from Europe to the distant, unexplored territories of Africa.
African Atlantic against the main European powers led to a significant trafficking of
men and merchandise. Slave trading in these waters, the outcome of this conflict, generated a dense network of intermediaries from all kinds of places and of all religions, who extracted large profits from it. These could offset the enormous outlay they had to get from Europe to the distant, unexplored territories of Africa.