Palabras clave
Familias monoparentales
igualdad y no discriminación
igualdad de género.
El artículo se centra en las posibilidades de ejercicio de los derechos de conciliación de la vida personal, familiar y laboral en el ámbito de las familias monoparentales. Se parte de una aproximación al concepto de monoparentalidad y se predetermina que esta puede ser originaria y voluntaria o sobrevenida. La existencia de un deseo individual de constituir una relación paternofilial desde el inicio determina precisamente que las desigualdades en el disfrute de estos derechos no suponen una discriminación sino un tratamiento diferencial razonable. Así, llegará a determinarse que la articulación de la corresponsabilidad en los derechos de conciliación y en la protección social contributiva no puede garantizarse en las familias monoparentales. Su errónea extensión ha supuesto una sustitución de la función del legislador por parte de los tribunales a tal nivel que pone en jaque el sistema contributivo de la Seguridad Social.
Single-parent families; conciliation; equality and non-discrimination; co-responsibility; gender equality.
The article focuses on the possibilities of exercising the rights to reconcile personal, family and work life in the field of single-parent families. It is based on an approximation to the concept of single parenthood and it is predetermined that this can be original and voluntary or supervening. The existence of an individual desire to establish a parent-child relationship from the beginning determines precisely that
inequalities in the enjoyment of these rights do not imply discrimination but rather reasonable differential treatment. Thus, it will be determined that the articulation of co-responsibility in conciliation rights and in contributory social protection cannot be guaranteed as impossible in single-parent families and, when it has been done, this has meant a substitution of the role of the legislator by the of the courts that puts in check the contributory Social Security system.
inequalities in the enjoyment of these rights do not imply discrimination but rather reasonable differential treatment. Thus, it will be determined that the articulation of co-responsibility in conciliation rights and in contributory social protection cannot be guaranteed as impossible in single-parent families and, when it has been done, this has meant a substitution of the role of the legislator by the of the courts that puts in check the contributory Social Security system.